Lawmakers Warn IG is Being Pressured to Slow Walk and REDACT SIGNIFICANT PORTIONS of Much-Anticipated Report

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila 359 Comments

Lawmakers warned Tuesday the Inspector General is being pressured to slow walk and redact significant portions of his much-anticipated report on the FBI’s (mis)handling of the Clinton investigation. 

According to investigative reporter, Sara Carter, the DOJ and the FBI are deliberately attempting to slow roll and redact significant portions of IG Horowitz’s report on the bureau’s (mis)handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

We knew this was happening; the President even tweeted about this very thing Tuesday morning.

Sara Carter reported:

The Department of Justice and the FBI are deliberately attempting to slow roll and redact significant portions of DOJ Inspector General, Michael Horowitz’s report on the bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation, according to numerous congressional officials and investigators.


Another congressional official, who’s been fighting to obtain documents from the DOJ and FBI, said it is no surprise that they are putting pressure on Horowitz. According to the official, “They continue to slow roll documents, fail to adhere to congressional oversight and concern is growing that they will wait until summer and then turn over documents that are heavily redacted.”

Inspector General Michael Horowitz informed lawmakers three weeks ago on Capitol Hill his much-anticipated 400 page report on the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation entered the final stages.

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Inspector General’s report that was supposed to be held on June 5th just got pushed back another week.

The Senate Judiciary hearing will now take place on Monday, June 11th; it will be live-streamed for public viewing.

Sources are saying the report on the FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s Directorship is absolutely damning and “worse than expected.”

On Tuesday, President Trump expressed his frustration with the nonstop delays.

POTUS Trump tweeted: What is taking so long with the Inspector General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know. Transparency!

What is taking so long with the Inspector General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know. Transparency!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 5, 2018

The President should declassify all documents relating to Spygate and Russiagate.

Chairman Nunes can also put pressure on the DOJ and FBI by demanding all documents be delivered to the House Intel Committee in unredacted form.

The DOJ and FBI will never stop obstructing oversight unless they are threatened by Congress with contempt charges.